quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2008

Musica na entrada do server

Pegue a musica que voce quer colocar. (obs: não pegue uma musica muito grande pois nao irá dar certo)

Agora arraste a música até a pasta sounds do main admin plugin.

Depois de arrastada renomeie ela para uma nome facil de lembrar. (ex: entrada)

Depois que renomear a música entre na pasta cfg do main admin plugin e abra o arquivo "actionssoundlist.txt"

Dentro dele irá ter isso:

// actionsoundlist.txt
// Place all your action sounds in this file
// This file uses aliases to define
// the sound name, they must not be altered !!!
// The second part on each line is the location
// and name of the file itself. You can change
// this to be wherever you want.
// In the example below I have commented out
// joinserver, roundstart and roundend. If you
// uncomment joinserver a sample I made will
// be played upon connection to a server. You will
// probably get bored with this quickly so replace
// it with your own
// Samples "joinserver.mp3", "startyourvoting.mp3" and
// "endofvote.mp3" were made by me (Mani) using FruityLoops
// and a nice VST plugin synth. The rest are from the
// core HL2 server installation.

//"joinserver" admin_plugin/actions/joinserver.mp3
"votestart" admin_plugin/actions/startyourvoting.mp3
"voteend" admin_plugin/actions/endofvote.mp3
//"roundstart" admin_plugin/actions/roundstart.mp3
"roundend" admin_plugin/actions/roundend.mp3
"restrictedweapon" admin_plugin/actions/restrictedweapon.wav
Você deverá mudar para isso:

// actionsoundlist.txt
// Place all your action sounds in this file
// This file uses aliases to define
// the sound name, they must not be altered !!!
// The second part on each line is the location
// and name of the file itself. You can change
// this to be wherever you want.
// In the example below I have commented out
// joinserver, roundstart and roundend. If you
// uncomment joinserver a sample I made will
// be played upon connection to a server. You will
// probably get bored with this quickly so replace
// it with your own
// Samples "joinserver.mp3", "startyourvoting.mp3" and
// "endofvote.mp3" were made by me (Mani) using FruityLoops
// and a nice VST plugin synth. The rest are from the
// core HL2 server installation.

"joinserver" admin_plugin/actions/entrada.mp3
"votestart" admin_plugin/actions/startyourvoting.mp3
"voteend" admin_plugin/actions/endofvote.mp3
//"roundstart" admin_plugin/actions/roundstart.mp3
"roundend" admin_plugin/actions/roundend.mp3
"restrictedweapon" admin_plugin/actions/restrictedweapon.wav

Agora feche o arquivo e salve.

Depois de ter feito isso abra o main_admin.cfg na pasta cfg.

Agora procure esta linha:

mani_sounds_per_round 0

Mude o valor 0 para 1

main_sounds_per_round 1

E depois procure por essa linha também:

main_sounds_auto_download 0

Aletere o valor para 1

mani_sounds_auto_download 1

Enjoy Yourself!

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